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What We Do


Our VISION is to experience a society that recognizes the needs and rights of the women and children.


Our MISSION is to improve the social economic wellbeing of women and children through economic empowerment, healthy care, human rights awareness and education support through initiating community sustainable projects and program aimed at uplifting the standard of life of the rural communities through:

  • Education &Training for Orphans and other vulnerable children Women Empowerment Program

  • Community Development

  • Primary Health Care Programs

  • HIV/AIDS Care, Counseling & HIV/AIDS

  • Spiritual Development

  • Adult Education Program

  • Vocational Training for Rural Youth

  • Sports Outreach Program


Strategic objectives: -The foundation provides a holistic approach as we reach out to the communities. These include:

  1. The provision of home-based care for people living with HIV/AIDS, free blood testing and counseling for HIV/AIDS, and the provision of condoms to the sexually active;

  2. An empowerment program for widows who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS to assist them to generate a sustainable income;

  3. An education and awareness scheme to increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS in educational institutions and in the wider community;

  4. The caring and support of orphans using sponsorship schemes.

  5. To attain adequate health care and treatment of Malaria, HIV/AIDS 

  6. To carry out safe motherhood training among the women and STIs/STDs. 

  7. To improve on the SRHR package among the youth in Uganda

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